Kareena Kapoor, the Bollywood diva, starts her day with a healthy breakfast to maintain her stunning figure and glowing skin.
Her breakfast includes a bowl of fresh fruits, such as papaya, berries, and kiwi, which are rich in antioxidants and vitamins.
Kareena also enjoys a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, which provides her with a boost of energy and helps in detoxifying her body.
For protein, she opts for a bowl of Greek yogurt topped with chia seeds and almonds, which keeps her full and satisfied until lunchtime.
To add some variety, Kareena sometimes indulges in a bowl of oatmeal with honey and cinnamon, which is not only delicious but also a great source of fiber.
Being a vegetarian, Kareena also includes a boiled egg or a tofu scramble in her breakfast for an extra dose of protein.
She believes in starting her day with a warm cup of green tea, which not only aids in weight loss but also has numerous health benefits.
Kareena also makes sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and maintain her flawless skin.
Her breakfast is not complete without a slice of whole wheat toast with avocado spread, which provides her with healthy fats and keeps her feeling full.
Kareena's breakfast is a perfect balance of nutrients and sets the tone for a healthy and productive day ahead. So, take inspiration from her and start your day with a nutritious breakfast too!