Too Much Turmeric? 5 Quick Fixes To Save Your Meal!


Too Much Turmeric? 5 Quick Fixes to Save Your Meal!


One of the simplest ways to reduce the intensity of turmeric in a dish is to dilute it. If possible, add more of the other ingredients in the recipe to balance out the flavours. Consider adding more vegetables or broth to help dilute the turmeric.


Citrus fruits, such as lemon or lime, can help cut through the bitter taste of excess turmeric. Squeeze fresh citrus juice into the dish gradually, tasting as you go, until the flavours are balanced.


Sweet ingredients, like honey or sugar, can help counteract the bitterness of too much turmeric. Add small amounts of sweeteners until you achieve a more balanced flavour profile.


Dairy products, such as yoghurt or cream, can mellow out the intense flavour of turmeric. If you've added too much turmeric to a sauce or curry, consider incorporating yoghurt or cream to tone down the spice.


If the dish is meant to be served with a base like rice, quinoa, or bread, make sure the base is neutral in flavour. The mildness of the base can help offset the strong taste of turmeric.



