When it comes to preserving food, natural items work equally well as synthetic ones. If you wish to preserve food for a longer period, then check out these natural ingredients.
Not only is garlic beneficial for your body but also for food. Garlic has anti-viral properties which can keep harmful bacteria away and keep food fresh for long.
Table salt preserves food by reducing the water content of fruits and veggies, which, in turn, reduces the chance of bacterial and fungal growth in food.
Packed with citric acid, lemon peels and flesh can preserve your food for a long time. The citric acid present in lemon can prevent oxidation and microbial growth in food.
Sweet, delightful honey is low in water content and high in antioxidants, making it an effective kitchen ingredient for preserving food.
The acetic acid present in vinegar kills the microbes present in food and prevents it from getting spoiled. Moreover, vinegar also enhances the food's taste!